The portrait photographer must be a diplomat, putting in a word here or there, not for the purpose of airing his knowledge, but in order to evoke a sympathetic response in the sitter, which is so essential to successful portraiture (Emil Otto Hoppe, 1945).
The portrait is therefore a sign whose purpose is both the description of an individual and the inscription of social identity (John Tagg, 1988).
Nothing is more hateful to me than photography coated with gimmicks, poses and false effects. Therefore, let me speak the truth in all honesty about our age and the people of our age (August Sander, 1955).
The Formbeenians is a portraiture project which started at the beginning of 2020, depicting the people of Formby, Merseyside.
The work will conclude at the end of 2020 with the publication of a book and an exhibition in Formby.